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Contributions by Each Group Member

Sian Allan

  • Mission Statement

  • About Sian section

  • Health Portfolio

  • Finance, Justice and Defence general policies

  • Join Us page 

  • Competition/News information

  • General overseeing and editing of website

Reesa Abraham

  • Portfolios and Policies section format

  • General Policies

  • About Reesa

  • Conservation portfolio

  • Energy and infrastructure general policies

  • Values page 

Tomohiro Eason

  • About Tomohiro section

  • Social development portfolio

  • Education and transport general policies

  • Values page

  • Party logo

  • Social media accounts (creating them and posting contents)

  • Social media widgets on News & Update page

  • Miscellaneous  (fixing image position, adding fictional phone number etc.)

Kelvin Kok

  • About Kelvin section, Donate section, News & Update section and Contact Us section

  • Arts, Culture, and Heritage Portfolio

  • Tourism, Foreign Affairs, and Internal Affairs general policies

  • Location update 

Shea Bentley

  • About Shea 

  • Climate Change Portfolio

  • Water and Agriculture general policies

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